Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Switching from to .org

Many of you might have already noticed the change! What do you think? is already registered and I even got a mail from them if I was interested to buy that domain at $4500.

Forget that, I won't even reply to that email. We have .org for us, we are a non-profit group anyway, we chose .org.

Last week, there was a post about the reminder of the donation, and consequently two of our fans donated as well. We are very thankful to them, and hope this kind of support keeps coming.

The .org domain name cost us $10.99 and will be up for one full year, starting from yesterday. 
I have the screenshot of the donation received below, and a thanks to them.

We'll keep collecting all the further donations we'll receive, and subscribe to one of the cheapest web hosting plans so that we will have our own file host, and don't need to depend upon third party file hosts.

Now, this .org name is registered is the blog is already connected to the .org domain, it may still take some time to be displayed all over the world as the local ISP's don't have the newly registered sites on their lists. This will take a maximum of 4 days. We are sorry for the inconveniences caused because of this.

If the website is already working on your internet connection, then please do us a favor by giving a Google +1 located at the right side bar. This will increase the popularity of site on google.

Contact us at from now on!


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