Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Suggestions about the Advertisement locations!

 Dear Smoke fans and readers.

Lately we have been approved by +Google AdSense  team to show +Google Ads on our website, which will generate some revenue for us. We will use these revenue collected for the same purposes we promised with donations.

Advertisements can be a lot disturbing to the viewers, like some pop-ups and some do some other stupid things which distract the viewer too. But it won't happen with Google Ads, it will be at some fixed place as you can see, and I wouldn't want them to disturb you from viewing our posts.

You can see some of them at the middle of posts, and some above and some on the right sidebar. If you can suggest some other places to keep them, I would love to listen that!

Once again, thanks for keeping yourself updated with the blog. We aren't encouraging or forcing you to click ads. If you find it interesting, then only go for it, else leave it as any normal people would do.



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