Monday, February 17, 2014

There will be an update before v6.0.2 !

We are sorry for the inconveniences due to the delay in 6.0.2

The delay is still there, SMOKE patch GOLD 6.0.2 will be released after the compatible file loader is released for either 1.06 or 1.07 versions.

However, an update will be released on 22 February 2014. The date is exact this time.

V6.0.1.1 Change Log:

V6.0 and V6.0.1 MUST be installed before this update!
- Winter Transfers

- Some Faces
- Minor Edits and bugs fixes
- Revised team stats and Starting XI (for some teams)

This mini Update will have reloaded game 1.04 and File Loader!

And some of the problems being faced by users with v6.0 and v6.0.1 may not be fixed with this mini update, but will be totally fixed in v6.0.2! We are sorry for the inconveniences caused.

Download Links will be Available soon, 20th to 22nd February.

20th for Beta Testing. Apply for beta testing here

Thanks for all your co-operation.
Smoke Team.


  1. :(
    What about the stadiums??
    Please add stadiums with this update!
    Plx Plx Plx!
    Good Luck!

    1. We haven't thought of adding stadiums now, it will be done on 6.0.2!

    2. Okay, Thanks Guys!
      But please change the BPL ball to yellow!
      Good Luck, Have Success! :)

  2. How about 2d leagues?
    Please add Segunda Division:)

    1. We need 2D leagues!!!
      Please add Seria B!!!

    2. We too are having problems with 2D leagues. Noted for v6.0.2.

  3. First thing I want to say that u guys really are doing great!
    But could u guys please check the following things?
    - When the goalkeeper comes out he doesn't comes out right, he leaves 1 corner entirely open so it becomes really easy to score.
    - The offside function, it doesn't always work good
    - Is there a possibility to disable the condition arrow of players?
    - When u push an opponent with your shoulder and if the opponent falls then it always is a freekick for the opponent. Can't this be disabled too?



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